Regular Activities

Regular Activities

PCC Meetings and related committee meetings
- Usually Monday evenings

The Music Group meets on Fridays at 7:45pm & occasional Tuesdays

Bellringers meet occasionally at the tower

Henry Club - Church cleaning team
- Meets twice a month usually 9:30am on Fridays

Flower Arranging
- Usually Friday or Saturday, see Churchwardens for more details

Church Groups Working Party
- Details will be on weekly notices

Home Groups
- Normally Monday & Tuesday at 10am
- Also Thursday at 19:45pm for 20:00pm
- Additional details in weekly notices

Prayer Triplets
Regular small groups meet for prayer and fellowship, bringing all our needs and concerns before our loving Father.
Currently, we are working through the 5 Things to pray..series of books.
If you would like to join a group, ask a church family member...