Regular Services at St Leonard's
Sunday 08:00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer 1662)
Sunday 10:45am Holy Communion or Morning Worship
In months where there is a fifth Sunday a special Joint Service is held at either: St Leonards church
Southminster, St Lawrence & All Saints church Steeple or at Southminster United Reform church.
Please speak to a member of the congregation for more information and the Events Calender for upcoming service details.
Prayer ministry for any needs is available during the communion service or after the morning worship service.
Children and young people are always welcome and toys / activities are available at the back of the church. Please ask a member of the congregation for any assistance you may need.
Example services:
17th February 3rd Sunday before Lent
08:00am Holy Communion BCP
- Rev’d Peter Begley
10:45am Holy Communion
- Rev’d Peter Begley & Replenish speaker
24th February 2nd Sunday before Lent
08:00am Holy Communion BCP
- Rev’d Peter Begley
10:45am Morning Worship with Holy Baptism
- Rev’d Peter Begley